Rinding services
Előzetes bejelentkezés szükséges lovas edzőnknél: +36 20 218 0946 – Időjáráshoz kötött tevékenység
Kicsik és nagyok elméleti oktatás keretein belül ismerkedhetnek meg a lovakkal, melyek ápolását és kezelését a gyakorlatban is elsajátíthatják.
Lovak megismerése, harmonikus kapcsolat kialakítása.
Walking in the forest with a monitor (for beginners, 45min)
NEW! Go on horseback and discover the natural environment, even if you have never ridden a horse before ! Thanks to our monitor, you will go through the woods lunged, so you will always feel safe.
Ezen szolgáltatás május 1-től október 31-ig elérhető, időjárás függvényébben.
Horse course in autonomy (25min)
Good riders feeling not confident of going outside or willing to learn more, we propose 50 minutes courses in the outdoor arena where you will develop your skills with a trainer.
Ride with Lunge (15min)
Recommended for beginners, who want to learn the basics of horse riding and feel more secure on the horse’s back. We propose this course for those who rode sometimes and would like to refresh their knowledge.
Horse riding trek
For experienced riders who feel confident in the three different gaits (walk, trot and galop) we can go for an excursion on horseback in the National Park. Our horses have very good temperament, they often work, but we need a minimum of experience from the rider to go horse riding outside. Evaluation before going outside.
Horse-drawn carriage tour into the forest or till Slovenia (45min)
From the carriage pulled by our favorite Linda horse, you will discover our village crossing the Slovenian border. Possibility to go into the forest during sunny days.
Kicsik és nagyok elméleti oktatás keretein belül ismerkedhetnek meg a lovakkal, melyek ápolását és kezelését a gyakorlatban is elsajátíthatják.
Lovak megismerése, harmonikus kapcsolat kialakítása.
Walking in the forest with a monitor (for beginners, 45min)
NEW! Go on horseback and discover the natural environment, even if you have never ridden a horse before ! Thanks to our monitor, you will go through the woods lunged, so you will always feel safe.
Ezen szolgáltatás május 1-től október 31-ig elérhető, időjárás függvényébben.
Horse course in autonomy (25min)
Good riders feeling not confident of going outside or willing to learn more, we propose 50 minutes courses in the outdoor arena where you will develop your skills with a trainer.
Ride with Lunge (15min)
Recommended for beginners, who want to learn the basics of horse riding and feel more secure on the horse’s back. We propose this course for those who rode sometimes and would like to refresh their knowledge.
Horse riding trek
For experienced riders who feel confident in the three different gaits (walk, trot and galop) we can go for an excursion on horseback in the National Park. Our horses have very good temperament, they often work, but we need a minimum of experience from the rider to go horse riding outside. Evaluation before going outside.
Horse-drawn carriage tour into the forest or till Slovenia (45min)
From the carriage pulled by our favorite Linda horse, you will discover our village crossing the Slovenian border. Possibility to go into the forest during sunny days.